Iconic Represent GoPro at SIGB Ski & Snowboard Test

As a member of SIGB (Snow Industries of Great Britain), Iconic Agency activated GoPro as one of the main features at this year Ski & Snowboard Test in Pila, Italy. All the key brands, retail and media partners flocked to the slopes of Pila to test all the 2019/2020 snow sports products including GoPro. This was a great opportunity for retailers, staff of brands and journalists to demo the new HERO7 Black along with accessories and for us to educate them on all things GoPro, allowing them to see the amazing hyper-smooth stability first hand.

Through our relationship with the SIGB organisation, we organised for each visitor to the ski & snowboard test to wear a GoPro lanyard, this gave us 230 people, all wearing the GoPro logo for the week. During the week we managed to demo the HERO7 Black with 63 key people. We encouraged each person to demo a GoPro, use the Quik stories app to edit their content and upload their video to Instagram using #GoProSIGB. Best video each day won a GoPro HERO 7 Silver. We had 23 entrants, resulting in just under 5000 impressions on the #GoProSIGB handle.
The feedback from retailers was out of this world, highlighting hyper smooth video, ease of use and superior video/photo quality. Overall an amazing success for GoPro within a core vertical.